The V6 delivers exceptional 2D and color image quality tailored for general imaging, driven by Samsung’s core imaging engine, Crystal Architecture™. With its comprehensive imaging capabilities, the V6 is designed to seamlessly support your daily ultrasound scanning needs, enabling clear and accurate image acquisition. Experience confidence and accuracy in ultrasound scanning with the V6.


The V6 delivers exceptional 2D and color image quality tailored for general imaging, driven by Samsung’s core imaging engine, Crystal Architecture™. With its comprehensive imaging capabilities, the V6 is designed to seamlessly support your daily ultrasound scanning needs, enabling clear and accurate image acquisition. Experience confidence and accuracy in ultrasound scanning with the V6.


Reduce noise to improve 2D image quality
ClearVision enhances the edge contrast and creates sharp 2D images for optimal diagnostic performance.

Clean up blurry areas in the image
HQ-Vision™ ¹ provides clearer images by mitigating the characteristics of ultrasound images that are slightly blurred than the actual vision.

Enhance hidden structures in shadowed regions
ShadowHDR™ selectively applies high-frequency and low-frequency of ultrasound to identify shadow areas where attenuation occurs.

Visualize slow flow in microvascular vessels
MV-Flow™ ¹ visualizes microcirculatory and slow blood flow to display the intensity of blood flow in color.

Show blood flow in vessels in a 3D-like display
LumiFlow™ ¹ is a function that visualizes blood flow in 3 dimensional-like to help understand the structure of blood flow and small vessels intuitively.

Examine peripheral vessels with directional power Doppler
S-Flow™, a directional Power Doppler imaging technology, can help to detect even the peripheral blood vessels. It enables accurate diagnosis when the blood flow examination is especially difficult


CA1-7AD L3-22 CV1-8AE
CA1-7SD* PA1-5Aᴾᴱ EV2-10A*
CA3-10A PA3-8B DP2B
CA4-10M* PA4-12B CW6.0
LA2-9S* EA2-11ARE* MMPT3-7
LA3-14AD EA2-11AVE*  
LA3-22AI miniER7*